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Donuts is part of a larger program associated with the Federal Communications Commission.  This application serves the need of accurate data pinpointing where broadband service is available and not available.  Innacuarate data on a map is called a "hole", hence the name Donut.  Service providers and governments use broadband maps to make decisions about where service is needed and how to fund the expansion of broadband services.  The FCC is in the process of updating its current broadband maps with more detailed and precise information on the availability of fixed and mobile broadband services.


Rare Form


Product Designer





Use Case

This design is pretty straightforward.  The use case was established by clarifying the goal of the application, which is to find and correct inaccurate telecommunications network data.  Through interviews we learned the general sequence of steps it takes to accomplish this goal. 


Find and correct inacurate data.

Find an issue.

Look at the details.

Reference the map.

Make the corrections.

User Journey

After creating the use case, I was able to create the user journey within the product.  The user journey is a more detailed account of the use case.  It is essentially the end to end flow for the main function of the application.

Lee needs to track down a node segment

and verify it is in the proper node boundary. 

Start search.

Enter keyword and adjust filters.

View results.

Inspect the device.

Select Connection Matrix.

Find available input.

Assign input somewhere.


DODC Data Cleanup High-Level Flow.png

A flow chart was created so that we would have a guide for developing the application.  It covers performing a search, viewing & annotating issues, and filtering.  This chart was a supplement to the design brief and helped in getting started with the design process.

Design & Flow


When the user opens the application they will usually want to do a Search.  They can type a keyword into the Search Bar, and narrow down the results by selecting either Address, Lat/Long, Node Housing or Node Segment from the dropdown underneath it.


Once they have selected a result, they can see further details about an issue.  A user then has the option to export the data to another location.  They also have the ability to make annotations and comments directly on the map and on the Details card to update it. In addition, they can bookmark the issue for future viewing within the application.


Showing the annotation features that occur both directly on the map and on the Details card. Notice that drawing tools appear int he upper right corner when annotating the map. The Details card is displaying the ability to post comments and attachments, and view previous comments and attachments.

Early Updates

Removed the separate Regions, State, and Issues filtering, and placed them on a card specific to filtering.

See how early mockups (above) evolved into better designs (below). We removed some of the filtering options and placed them on a card specific to filtering. This helped to de-clutter the Home card. We added a Search bar to the new design. And we came up with color coding methods to quickly differentiate the various types of issues.

Added a Search bar to the filtering options.

Color codes were used to quickly differentiate the different issues.

Filter button was added to de-clutter the Homepage card and have a separate card for handling complicated filtering.

Card sized increased to improve layout and readability.

Cleaning the Filter

Originally filtering took place on the Home card. There wasn't that much room to accommodate it, which made the card very cluttered.  It got a bit complicated and we were trying to fit too many functions into a small space.

The filtering user experience was improved by designing a card specific to filtering.  It is advanced filtering and needed it's own space.  This allowed for more room to view the various options and not having to utilize 3 different dropdowns to complicate things.


Removed the separate Regions, State, and Issues filtering, and placed them on a card specific to filtering.

Detail Anatomy & Bookmarks

Transmitter for the network.

Coverage area of network transmitter.

Unique identifier for field router.

Residential and commercial units covered by a segment of the node housing.

Residential and commercial units with equipment for network connectivity.

Residential and commercial units without equipment for network connectivity.

Saves to My Bookmarks table.

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