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Product Led Growth
Individual to Teams Journey

The task is to grow Acrobat Teams subscriptions by identifying small business customers who are currently subscribed to Individual plans, and would benefit from an upgrade.  Acrobat Teams allows business users to be an administrator of multiple licenses and have shared storage amongst teammates.  The challenge is to create designs that deliver a seamless transition from an Individual account to a Teams account.




Cindy Yang


Experience Designer




Chi Chen


The journey a user takes to upgrade from an Individual subscription to a Teams subscription generally happens in 4 stages. These stages are Discovery, Consideration, Buy and Onboard. Each point in the journey is equally important, so any gaps can cause people who would potentially benefit from a Teams subscription to miss out.


Bringing awareness to the user about Acrobat Teams offerings through marketing and promotion.


Providing the user with information that will allow them to make the right choice for their needs.


Making the user feel secure providing their payment information and being clear on what they are purchasing.


Getting them started and showing the user how to get the most out of their product upgrade.

Keys to Upgrade

Making 'Individual' users aware of the added value of having a 'Teams' account.  And facilitating a seamless upgrade experience.

Focus on Discovery

Making Individual subscription users who have been identified as being a part of a small business, aware of the added value of having a Teams account.  The ways of bringing awareness is through having touchpoints within the desktop application that are easily visible to the user, providing upsell messaging within tools that small businesses depend on, and by providing pathways from advertising to upgrading to Teams.

The Path to Teams is Broken

Out of Sight

Acrobat for Teams is usually hidden when selecting plans.

Plans pages on

Dissappearing Acts

Users have to go away from the Desktop app to start the journey.

Desktop to admin console on Web

Missing in Action

There are no places within Desktop that bring awareness about Teams.

In-app experience

Target Audience - Small and Midsize Business Users

Non-Public Email Domains

Business email accounts with more than two Acrobat users and no Teams subscription.

Plans pages on

1M users are on an Individual plan.

Cart Abandonment

Users who have expressed interest by starting an upgrade flow, but did not complete the purchase.

Desktop to admin console on Web

~87% of users fall off between Plans and Payment pages.

Collaboration Tool Usage

An extra high usage rate of sign/form tools, storage tools, and share for review.

In-app experience

Top 3 in tool usage for small business users.

User Profile for the Individual to Teams Journey



Justice is a small business owner who started a small batch granola business a few months ago.  He sells at local farmers markets and also is an e-commerce business.  Justice bought an Individual subscription, because at the time he was a team of one.  He has grown and added two members to his team.  The admin capabilities to provide everyone with accounts and shared drives amongst his teammates would be helpful to his business.

Features needed:

Assign licenses to his growing team to review finalized PDF documents.

Provide a shared space for operational needs and resources.

Collect payments through sent contracts.


The price for each license on Teams is $23.99/month per license compared to Individual licenses which are $19.99/month per license.


Account Menu Upsell

Provides subscription information in the account menu and a call to action.

In the Account Menu, a section showing the user their current plan and an upgrade Call To Action was designed.  This is a touchpoint to begin the path to Teams.


Banner Touchpoint

Utilizes the existing High Value Action card on the homepage to bring awareness.

On the homepage there is a rotating banner to the right of the tool panel.  It is collapsed by default and can be an entryway to getting a Teams subscription.  This banner would only be shown to users that have been identified to have a high propensity to make the switch to Teams.

The banner can be expanded allowing more room for marketing and upsell messaging.


Left Hand Panel Ad

Messaging about Teams is added to the existing rotating messaging.

At the bottom of the Left Hand Panel is an area reserved for bringing awareness about tool features.  A design was created to utilize it for upsell messaging and a Call to Action to start the Teams journey.


Request Signature Upsell

Teams awareness is added at the end of the workflow on the confirmation page.

Experiments have shown that 'Request Signature' is a feature that is heavily used by small to medium sized business users.  Based on these findings a redesign was done on the 'Request Signature' confirmation page.  Messaging about Teams was  added to bring awareness and a small link is the touchpoint to begin the journey to a Teams account.

In-App Touchpoints Lead to Browser (Final Deliverable)

The Discovery touchpoints designed for desktop lead to obtaining a Teams subscription.  Each of the designs created transport the user to the current experience which takes place in the browser.  Ideally, the entire experience should take place on the Acrobat desktop application, to maintain familiarity and orientation.  This may be addressed in another design phase.


Account Menu Upsell

Banner Touchpoint

Left Hand Panel Ad

Request Signature Upsell




Utilize the current Acrobat Web experience to complete the journey.

Designed into Desktop Application

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